Godot seemengly doesn't solve big slowdowns on PhysicsProcess, any way to force it to?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Guliver_Jham

(this is in 3.5.1)

So, i created this test node using Godot;using System;using System.Diagnostics;public class TickMaste - Pastebin.com to see if godot would try to recover from 1 seconds slowdowns, wich could happen rarely with the netcode i want to use.

But unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like so, when i press the Test_Key_2 and the game gets the lag, it doesn’t try to recover afterwards, the gap between the real time and the tick just gets wider.

I really need it to try to recover for this netcode to work. Any way to force Godot to conpensate?