How to check if my server was initialized using a network

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By GeorgeLovesJesus

I have a network system.
I want to notify myself (the host) if my server wasn’t initialized due to not being connected to a network (it shouldn’t depend on an internet if based statement idea).
Here’s the code used for the server’s initialization:

func initialize_server():
var peer =
peer.create_server(RPC_PORT, max_players)
get_tree().network_peer = peer

I tried the following:


But it responds with “2”, even when I’m not connected to a network.

I want something like this:

if peer.get_connection_status() == 0:
	print("Failed to initialize the server because you're not connected to a network, please turn on your wifi and connect to a network")