Kinematic Body2D Behaving differently on one Computer

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By PopeScooby

I have a 2D platformer game I have been working on for a while. I just got a new desktop computer, and when I ran the game (both as the exported game and through Godot) on the new computer my Player Character didn’t jump as high as it does on every other computer I’ve tried it on. Does anyone know why this might be happening? The only similar issues I could find were from like 2016 and didn’t seem to apply any more. Thanks!

It sounds like you are not incorporating delta when calculating your player’s movement. Read more about delta time here: Understanding 'delta' :: Godot 4 Recipes

timothybrentwood | 2022-12-23 03:38

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: magicalogic

The problem is computers differ in performance. Thus one computer will have higher or lower fps which you need to account for to have consistent movement in all devices that will run your game. This is simple, you just need to multiply your velocities by delta. If you are using move_and_slide to jump, then you may have a different problem since move_and_slide already uses delta time internally.