Export(PropertyHint.NodePathValidTypes, "") doesn't work for custom node

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By doppm

I have a node named “Portal”

[Tool] public partial class Portal : Node2D { ... }

I expect to use this code to get the path of a Portal node in the scene

[Export(PropertyHint.NodePathValidTypes, hintString:"Portal")] NodePath nodePath;

but, it doesn’t work.

If I try to replace hintString:"Portal" with hintString:"Node2D", it works.
but I can only select from all node2d types, not specify a certain type(eg. Portal)

I read the source code

// line 3688
bool EditorPropertyNodePath::is_drop_valid(const Dictionary &p_drag_data) const {
	if (p_drag_data["type"] != "nodes") {
		return false;
	Array nodes = p_drag_data["nodes"];
	if (nodes.size() != 1) {
		return false;
	Node *dropped_node = get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root()->get_node(nodes[0]);
	ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(dropped_node, false);

	if (valid_types.is_empty()) {
		// No type requirements specified so any type is valid.
		return true;

	for (const StringName &E : valid_types) {
		if (dropped_node->is_class(E) ||
				EditorNode::get_singleton()->is_object_of_custom_type(dropped_node, E)) {
			return true;

	return false;

This code shows the editor does check the custom type.

Did I miss something important? I need help.