Tilemap returns 0 for every cell's tile index

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By VolatileAgent

I am trying to locate a specific tile index in a TileMap. When TileMap.get_used_cells_by_id() returned no cells, I decided to look at the tile indices for the whole map. I used the following in a function called from the _ready function for my main scene, of which the TileMap is a child of a scene which is a child of the main scene:

for cell in $BasicMap/TileLayer1.get_used_cells():
	print("Cell ", cell, " = ", $BasicMap/TileLayer1.get_cellv(cell))

This prints 0 as the tile index for every cell, despite the tilemap displaying correctly.
Is _ready the wrong place to call this, or is there something else I’m doing wrong?

“This prints 0 as the tile index for every cell, despite the tilemap displaying correctly.”

I would think you’re calling it prematurely. Paste that code in _Process() then set_process(false) after the loop.

timothybrentwood | 2022-12-22 04:53

Same result.

VolatileAgent | 2022-12-22 14:44

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: VolatileAgent

I found the answer here: Reddit - Dive into anything
Turns out you have to use get_cell_autotile_coord if the tiles are all part of the same image.