Stop a vactor3 linear interpolation

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Hexadotz

So im making a slide mechanic and one thing i found that does the job is linear_interpolate so i made a new Vector3 variable which will house the sliding info when the player slides that variable will use the linear_interpolate to keep the player going in one direction:

Slide_vel = slide_vel.linear_interpolate(slide_smooth,delta*Player.ACCEL)

In which:

Slide_vel = Vector3.ZERO
Var slide_smooth = player.direction * player.Speed
Player.ACCEL = 0 #When sliding

The problem is that when i start sliding and want the player to stop i just can’t the player keeps going until it reaches some point

Or maybe this is the wrong way of doing it if so any suggestions will be much appreciated