Why does adding a VisibilityNotifier2D make this scene work?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Zepher79

Link to sample project.

So this is a bizarre situation I find myself in. In essence I was messing around creating an asteroids clone and was struggling to figure out wraparound behavior for the ships. Ships are RigidBody2Ds with a sprite and collision object attached and operating using the following code:

extends RigidBody2D

export var maxSpeed: float = 500
export var turnSpeed: float = 0.1
export var foward_friction: float = 0.1

var boostVelocity: float

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _process(delta):
	# Bank left
	if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_left"):
		angular_velocity = clamp(angular_velocity - turnSpeed, -2, 2)
	# Bank right
	if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_right"):
		angular_velocity = clamp(angular_velocity + turnSpeed, -2, 2)
	# Boosting
	if Input.is_action_pressed("thrust"):
		# Ramp boost up towards maxSpeed
		boostVelocity = lerp(boostVelocity, maxSpeed, 0.5 * delta)
		# Ramp boost down towards 0
		boostVelocity = lerp(boostVelocity, 0, 10 * delta)
	# Braking
	if Input.is_action_pressed("brake"):
		# Severely ramp down boost towards 0
		boostVelocity = lerp(boostVelocity, 0, 10 * delta)
	# Apply forces
	linear_velocity += Vector2(0, -boostVelocity).rotated(rotation)*foward_friction
	linear_velocity = linear_velocity.limit_length(maxSpeed)

# Supposedly teleports ship to the opposite side of the screen, ala Asteroids
func wraparound():
	if position.y <= 0:
		position.y += 600
	if position.y >= 600:
		position.y -= 600
	if position.x <= 0:
		position.x += 1024
	if position.x >= 1024:
		position.x -= 1024

Now I am aware that this is not how physics should be handled and will be going back to do it properly, and this code breaks predictably after the first wraparound in any direction off the screen.

HOWEVER! Included in the ScenesToTest folder is another almost identical scene called VisShip. It uses the exact same code source and the only change is a VisibilityNotifier2D node is added as a child. There are no additional links or signals being emitted, it’s just sitting there.

This second scene “works” perfectly as I had envisioned and I honestly am stumped as to why that would be. If anyone has observations or just gets a kick out of it as well, I’d love to hear your thoughts!