How to use UDP sockets

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Mindcool24

I am attempting to write a simple interface to a server I wrote that uses UDP style sockets. I just need to be able to send and receive a bit of text from a given IP and port number, and display the input text in a formatted way. As of right now, I am having troubles with getting the PacketPeerUDP object to work how I want it to, and am not sure if it is the correct way to go about it.
The code:

var IP_SERVER = ""
var PORT_SERVER = 70
var PORT_CLIENT = 70
var socketUDP =

func _ready():
    var socket =
    socket.set_dest_address(IP_SERVER, PORT_SERVER)
    print("Sent package.")

As of right now, whenever I run it, it does get to the point that it prints out the “Sent package” message, but on the server I am running, it does not get any input. One thing that I have tried is closing the socket after sending the packet, but that does not fix the issue.