How do you get a position of the node from another scene

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By amaou310

Hello community. I would appreciate if you could kindly teach me how to get “node”.position.x from another scene. What Im trying to do is to implement player knockback. When the player is at right side of the enemy, the player will bounce off right side. I tried by following code, however “Invalid get index ‘position’ (on base: 'null instance).”

onready var enemy = get_node("enemy").global_position

func ouch(): #Damage Color and Knock Back
	get_node("Position2D").set_modulate(Color(1, 0.3, 0.4, 1))
	_velocity.y = -jump_strength
	if position.x < enemy.position.x:
		_velocity.x = -800
	elif position.x > enemy.position.x:
		_velocity.x = 800
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: USBashka

I can’t belive that enemy is a direct child of the player, so you can’t refer it like this. Imagine a scene tree as a folder structure and make relative path to the node. If player and enemy are siblings (direct childs of the same parent) you need to refer it as ../enemy, where .. is one step up in the tree structure. The code is:

onready var enemy = get_node("../enemy").global_position

Also, the enemy variable type is Vector2 not Node. So you need to write just enemy.x, not enemy.position.x

Thank you for the help USbashika!
If I understand correctly, the code should be like this?

onready var enemy = get_node("res://Scenes/enemy.tscn").global_position

But another error started popping up. "Invalid get index ‘global_position’ (on base: ‘null instance’)

amaou310 | 2022-07-16 09:39

Noooooooooooo! Sorry, I meant imagine like it’s folder structure, it’s actually aren’t. get_node() can get nodes only from loaded scenes, until scene is loaded and instanced it’s just a text file.

USBashka | 2022-07-16 09:49

Ohhh Im Sorry. I now understood that another scene node cannot get by “get_node”.
But how do you get another scene node instead of using get_node then?

amaou310 | 2022-07-16 10:01

With load() and instance(). But why you don’t just add enemy to the scene in the editor? Just drag enemy.tscn to the scene view

USBashka | 2022-07-16 10:05

Thank you again. Okay, so if I understand correctly, I can use get_node to call the enmy node, if I put enemy scene in the same scene as the player scene.

Like this:

 Maine scene

amaou310 | 2022-07-16 10:18

Yes. That’s how the scene tree works

USBashka | 2022-07-16 17:26

Okay. I found out why its not working. I was actually following this tutorial video and at around 38:00, he implement function ouch() in body enter attached to enemy. The difference is that my player and enemy use area enter function. I first thought that I can just use area.ouch(position.x) instead of body.ouch(position.x), however since function ouch() does not exist inside function area entered attached to player, the error “Nonexistent function ‘ouch’ in base ‘Area2D’” occurs. How should I rearrange this to make it work ?

Tutorial Script:

***#Player Script***
func ouch(ver enemyposx):
get_node("Position2D").set_modulate(Color(1, 0.3, 0.4, 1))
	_velocity.y = -jump_strength
	if position.x > enemyposx:
		_velocity.x = -800
	elif position.x < enemyposx:
		_velocity.x = 800

***#Enemy Script***
func _enemy_body_entered(body):

My Script:

***#Player Script***
func ouch(var enemyposx):
get_node("Position2D").set_modulate(Color(1, 0.3, 0.4, 1))
    	_velocity.y = -jump_strength
    	if position.x > enemyposx:
    		_velocity.x = -800
    	elif position.x < enemyposx:
    		_velocity.x = 800

func _on_hurtbox_area_entered(area):

***#Enemy Script***
func _on_hitbox_area_entered(area):

amaou310 | 2022-07-17 06:05