How to control the current position in BlendSpace2D?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By dydokamil

I’ve been trying to work out how the AnimationTree works but I can’t seem to understand how to control the progress of the BlendSpace2D from code.

I’d like to have a transition where the character gently sits down (and continues to play the repeating animation of moving its foot) instead of sinking its legs into the ground. I’ve attached 2 videos to better explain what I mean by that. I managed to place the points so that when I slide along the X axis just above 0 on the Y axis it works the way I want.

Sinking legs


Example project

The question is which AnimationTree nodes am I missing and how do I trigger that transition from code?