Hiding and Showing dock control on a plugin

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By henriquelalves
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I’m trying to create a special plugin node, and I have to show special options on the upper dock of the Editor so I can edit some of its features - something like the Path node, that adds some buttons on the Dock container to edit the path visually. Part of the question was answered here; problem is, I’m not able to make the added dock “disappear” when I don’t click any node. The best I can do is to make the dock disappear only when I click another node that is not the node I’m adding with the plugin (“GodotTAN”) - but when I click on an empty space (usually to “reset” the selected node), the dock is still there (the “handles” method only works when a node is selected by the user).

func edit(object):
	current_object = object

func handles(object):
	return object extends GodotTANScript

I also tried some variations using forward_input_event, but with no success. Is there a proper solution to this?

I made a quickfix using forward_input_event(); problem is there is some lag between the dock hiding/showing. I’m looking for a more elegant solution than this:
quickfix on plugin node deselection · GitHub

henriquelalves | 2017-03-22 13:55