Is there any ways how to optimize non-baked lights on a scene?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Krasapan

I have a very simple scene (200x200m plane) with low polygon count (simple walls made from cubes).

If I put even a few (15-30) Omnilights (no shadows, radius and power are default) in front of me, FPS will drop from regular 60 to 5-10.

Adjusting light radius and light power didn’t change the results too much.

I reduced camera render distance from 50 to 10, lags decreased a bit, now fps changed from 5-10 to 15-20, but this isn’t a solution, plus for this game camera render distance about 40-50 is must have.

The game itself is just a procedurally generated maze, so baking isn’t an option
Reducing screen resolution isn’t an option too, but of course helps if set to 200x50 (shitty graphics, unplayable)