What is the best way to interactively edit a Navigation Mesh?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By mkimball

In a project I was working on, I baked a NavigationMesh instance from geometry. It produced a mesh with polygons on the surfaces I wanted, but also had polygons on surfaces that I wanted to be purely obstacles, and not navigable. I wanted to edit the mesh and remove some of the faces by hand, but keep other faces.

The problem was similar to the one described by this question: https://forum.godotengine.org/63182/why-my-navmesh-is-over-the-walls?show=63182

My solution was to save out the navigation mesh as a .tres file, then write a Python script to parse the .tres file and write to a Wavefront .obj file, then load the .obj in Blender and edit, then export from Blender as .glb (naming the object -navmesh suffix) and reimport into Godot.

It seems like there should be an easier way to do this than write a custom Python script to convert from .tres to .obj.

Is there a better / easier way?