How do I keep the values of a "for" statement

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Xoko

Hi, just started learning code this month, so I very well might have missed something obvious.

I have an array, movepool, which holds any number of possible combinations of other arrays of which hold Vector2 values. I want to, as a test, cycle through these values under specific parameters… but I have run into an issue. And I spent two days trying to do this different ways… (movepool technically holds references to tile instance)

if Input_is_action_pressed("right")
 for tile in movepool

But this doesn’t give me the functionality I need as tile.coords will print the 4 Vector2 coords, but seems to override itself on every tile position. So I will get one movement, then stop. On movepool.pop_back(), I do get SOME of what I want, but it depletes the array and moves the cursor oddly along the 4 values.
