loading a position 2d node from an instanced scene

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By 1tokenblackguy

so i have a Level Scene and i have a node for building and vehicles also a button that spawns a building and another button that spawns a vehicle.

when i click the button it .instances() the building fine and i can get the vehicle button to spawn the vehicle at the .positon of the of the building. however in the building scene i have put a position2d node at 50, 50

my proble is i cant seem to get the script in the level scene to spawn the vehicle at the position2d node .position

    extends Node

const Refinary = preload("res://Assets/Refinery.tscn")
const Harvester = preload("res://Assets/Harvester.tscn")


# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
	pass # Replace with function body.

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
	if REFINARYSPAWN == true:
		$HUD/RefineryButton.disabled = true
		$HUD/SpawnHarvester.disabled = false
	elif REFINARYSPAWN == false:
		$HUD/SpawnHarvester.disabled = true

func _on_RefineryButton_pressed() -> void:
	var i = Refinary.instance()
	i.position = Vector2(400,400)

func _on_SpawnHarvester_pressed() -> void:
	var i = Harvester.instance()
	var b = 34

the building sceen is and area2d with a sprite colision shape and a position 2d node.
if anyone could help me figure this out that would be great

So ive updated the code and i can get the node to spawn at the Position2d node however

it spawns at level 50 ,50 not at 50 , 50 off the instanced building

updated code

func _on_RefineryButton_pressed() -> void:
	var i = Refinary.instance()
	var b = i.get_node("RallyPoint")
	Rally_Point = b.position
	i.position = Vector2(400,400)

func _on_SpawnHarvester_pressed() -> void:
	var i = Harvester.instance()
	i.position = Rally_Point.position

1tokenblackguy | 2022-02-19 13:59

Managed to figure out a way to work it out

func _on_RefineryButton_pressed() -> void:
	var i = Refinary.instance()
	var b = i.get_node("RallyPoint")
	i.position = Vector2(300,400)
	Rally_Point = i.position + b.position
	Refinary_Spawn = true

func _on_SpawnHarvester_pressed() -> void:
	var i = Harvester.instance()
	i.position = Rally_Point

1tokenblackguy | 2022-02-20 06:41

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Inces

just use global_position everywhere :slight_smile:

Yeah im going to go through and re do it with global_positins thnks :slight_smile:

1tokenblackguy | 2022-02-20 06:42