Help with failing PacketPeerUDP put_packet() on Android

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By fractile
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I have been trying to create a simple app in Godot (my first ever) that sends raw UDP packets on button press. It works fine on desktop, but not on Android (connected to same wifi).

The put_packet() functions seems to return mysterious error code 1 on Android. What does that mean?

Here’s the script:

var udp =;
var data = RawArray()

func _ready():
	# Called every time the node is added to the scene.
	# Initialization here
	udp.set_send_address("", 16001)	

func _on_left_button_pressed():
	var err = udp.put_packet(data)
	if(err == OK):
		get_node("TitleLabel").set_text("Error: " + str(err))	

Where are these errors codes documented? I took a quick look at Godot source code, but didn’t find them there either…

I found the posix packet peer udp source code and it seems that error code 1 means “generic fail error”, which isn’t very helpful…

Any ideas on how I can debug this further?

fractile | 2016-03-13 11:27

Did you try other ports? Or maybe the netmask is blocking?

In ´drivers/unix/packet_peer_udp_posix.cpp´ the relevant stuff hapens.
So either socket() or sento() seems to return -1.
Unfortunately godot doesn’t observe errno which is set by these functions.

Without editing the source code to look up errno and recompiling you won’t find out what went wrong…

peeet | 2016-03-13 14:47

I haven’t tried other ports, but I don’t think this is a network problem, because UDP packets sent by “UDP sender” app from the same phone to same address/port work just fine.

fractile | 2016-03-13 15:08

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: alexholly

You can find the errors in Script → Search Help → Type the word “Error” → @Global Scope but your Error tells nothing “FAILED = 1 Generic fail return error.”

Have you enabled the permissions for Internet on Android export?

I had not, that fixed it. Thanks!

fractile | 2016-03-13 15:17