How to make player teleport to position in different scene when changing scenes...

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By gummyrat

Basically in my game I am trying to make it so that when they enter a house and then leave they come back at the spot at which the door is… I’m not completely sure how to do this but I have this code right now which isn’t working and probably for good reason. Everytime I pull it it changes my scene but my position is the default position the player is set at…

This is called on by Dialogic’s get node (dialogue addon)

In house script

func tp_back():
	Global.global_position = Global.town_exit

In global script

var town_exit = Vector2(-21.336, 1202.667)

Should the actor be in different parts of the scene?

ramazan | 2022-01-23 09:28