How do I make gridmap to duplicate script installed inside the gridmap?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By kakcalu13

Question: How do I have gridmap to duplicate scripts inside it as it being used by gridmap2.set_item_cell()?

Long and more detail version:
What happen is that one gridmap at 0,0,0 was from the design mode like this picture:

Ignore the blue cube as it’s designed to be “selected”. Anyway so when I run the program like this,

When I click on transparent cyan (ignore blue cube still. Actually, ignore it rest of the question lol)

The transparent cyan turns into a blue cube if it’s selected.

So, the issue is that when I used #gridmap2.set_item_cell(1,0,0,0)

I couldn’t click any script from (1,0,0)

See the video:
enter image description here

Any idea how? I just want to click to select, hover (turns it into outline) or get the specific single voxel of location