Invalid Call. Nonexistent function ' ' in base "Nil"?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By newgodot_user

even after searching up the forums, i still don’t know how to fix this error. it exists with everything line of code with “pl.()”

extends Node

#Have to reopen Project in Editor to take effect
class_name State
#onready var anmp = owner.get_parent().get_node("AnimationPlayer")
#onready var pl: Node = owner.get_parent() as KinematicBody2D   
var pl: KinematicBody2D   
#var fsm : StateMachine 
onready var _states: Dictionary={}
var jump : bool
var dir: float 
var next_state:State

func enter() -> void:
	#####We need a Fall state!!!

func logic() -> void:

#If certain Input we go to transition
func get_transition() -> State:
	return next_state

func get_input() -> void:
	jump = Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump")	
	dir =  Input.get_action_strength("right")-Input.get_action_strength("left")
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: ponponyaya

It look like that pl is not intanced.
I think that is why it says pl is “Nil”.

Maybe you can use parameter in those functions, and pass instanced object into those functions.

I mean, for example:

extends Node
class_name State
var pl: KinematicBody2D 
onready var _states: Dictionary={}
var jump : bool
var dir: float 
var next_state:State

func enter(plPath: String) -> void:
	pl = get_tree().get_root().get_node(plPath)
	if pl is KinematicBody2D:

func logic(plPath: String) -> void:
	pl = get_tree().get_root().get_node(plPath)
	if pl is KinematicBody2D:

func get_transition() -> State:
	return next_state

# Suppose this only run after function logic call.
# Since in function logic we already got pl, don't need to get again.
func get_input() -> void:
	jump = Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") 
	dir =  Input.get_action_strength("right")-Input.get_action_strength("left")

Something like that, hope this help.

I think the key point is that if you want call those functions from other script, you need to pass a parameter in, for example function enter(plPath: String).
If the function don’t be called in other script, you don’t need to pass a parameter, for example function get_input(). Since In your code, function get_input() only be called by function logic(plPath: String) which is in the same script.