Launch vscode from Godot on Linux

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By kirdauq

I see someone has already asked about using vscode as an external editor on linux however the answer seemed to indicate it was a bug with the flatpak version or if using the flatpak to use flatpak-spawn. I do not use flatpaks, they are not a solution to packages. I use the official community/godot 3.4.stable.arch_linux package on Manjaro Linux having previously tried the Steam version. Both of these are unable to launch vscode using the documented Using an external text editor — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English methods. Where which code-oss in my case is ‘/usr/bin/code-oss’

I am running Manjaro Linux - Gnome [official release] How could I run this or any other editor I choose to switch to as I may go back go vim as well some day. Godot should be able to execute these, its not a security violation.

Can you launch VS Code with the code command?

If not, create a symbolic link /usr/bin/code to /usr/bin/code-oss.

juppi | 2021-12-03 15:48

this has worked for me thank you

kirdauq | 2021-12-04 04:08

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: juppi

Can you launch VS Code with the code command?

If not, create a symbolic link /usr/bin/code to /usr/bin/code-oss.