Validate my game logic

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Lepidocter

Hello. As I’m starting learning and implementing Godot, I’ve decided to begin with a project that will unite both some challenge for me than an easy design concept.

My question is about how I’m conceptualizing the whole thing. I’m doing a proper design considering Godot workflow?

The game is about a kinda rail race in a 3d space (similar to Sega NIGHTS). I’ve conceptualized the thing this way.

There’s obviously a path to determine the course track.
On the path there’s a core object, figure it out like a cube. It does move on his own.
As a child of the cube, there’s the player sprite.
This way the sprite move inside the cube while the cube move along the track (accordingly, the sprite move on the “global” space too, “dragged” by the cube along the course).

The camera live on his own path, this way I can apply some perspective change effect. The camera always point on the center of the cube (not the player sprite, that can move inside the cube freely).

The game features ‘rings’ along the track you have to traverse. This is a bit tricky, as the code should check if you’ve entered the ring with the “head” and exited it by the “tail”.

I think this can be done by adding two contact nodes in front and tail of the sprite, that send different signals to the ring. If both turn true, the ring is collected.

I’ll figure out all the issues on my own, my question if I had properly figured out the proper logic or I have to rethink the game before coming with the sad truth the core design is broken.

I’m coming from PyGame, I did some 2d Godot experiment, so feel free to be techincal if that can be of any use. I have to learn!

Your question got me hyped up but it lacks logic only theory is found here.

Wakatta | 2021-11-17 00:16

You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette. If you’re totally new, it’s best to make a bare bones prototype that works and iterate it from there. You’ll figure out the painful parts of your code while coding it. That’s when you can go in and refactor or rewrite what’s there to make it more usable. Even seasoned experts will run into unforeseen problems while coding that causes them to reassess their original plan.

Assuming you’ve read the getting started with godot documentation, I would suggest getting a prototype going and coming back specific questions if you run into any hick-ups. If you’re completely unsure of where to start, I would suggest following a youtube tutorial that builds a game similar to the one you want and see how they go about it. Both of those things are going to teach you more than reading any answers here at this point.

timothybrentwood | 2021-11-17 02:35