How to update collision polygon for Area2D node programmatically?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By numberQ

I’ve got an Area2D that I’m planning to instance frequently, and the collision shape of this area will be slightly different based on the values of certain exported vars. I figured it made sense to have a function that takes in those vars and calculates the collision polygon programmatically, rather than having to make a million different scenes for each minor variation.

My scene has an Area2D root node, with a child CollisionPolygon2D. The polygon has some dummy points I threw in. The script for my area node includes the following code:

var polygon = get_shape_points()
$CollisionPolygon2D.polygon = polygon

get_shape_points just returns a PoolVector2dArray.

I have something in _draw showing what my collision polygon actually is, and I can see that the polygon is indeed updating. But it’s not triggering any enter or exit signals! Strangely, when I don’t update the polygon programmatically and just rely on the dummy points I threw in via the editor, it does trigger signals. So it seems like I’m missing a step after setting the collision polygon.

Some Googling indicates there’s a function add_shape that was useful in this scenario before, but it looks like that was deprecated. I’m not sure what replaced it, or if there’s a different design pattern altogether for doing something like this. Any tips?