Melee Attack Animations Aren't working well

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By cookieoil

I want to make melee attack like this game Bright Lancer by Slo Nod which will trigger everytime you click the mouse button. Beside that, my code is following to this, a tutorial about playing 8 direction animations with the mouse, of course. I try to combine it with melee attack but seem like they aren’t doing well, debugs show up everytime and thus, whenever u attack too much, the function will be null and stop playing animation, here is the code for more closer view:

var AttackPoints = 3;

var s = 0
var i = 0
var a = 0
var b = 0
var c = 0

func _process(delta:float):
   if isplaying == false:
	var mouse = get_local_mouse_position()
	s = stepify(mouse.angle(), PI/4) / (PI/4)
	s = wrapi(int(s), 0, 8)
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("skill"):
		i = s
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
		a = s
		b = s
		c = s

func move_state(delta:float):
   if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack") and AttackPoints == 3:
	state = ATTACK;
	AttackPoints = AttackPoints - 1;
  elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack") and AttackPoints == 2:
	state = ATTACK2;
	AttackPoints = AttackPoints - 1;
  elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack") and AttackPoints == 1:
	state = ATTACK3;
	AttackPoints = AttackPoints - 1;
func attack_state() -> void:
  isplaying = false; = false;
  animationPlayer.playback_active = true;
  current_animation = "Attack"; + str(a));
  animationPlayer.playback_speed = 1.75;
  isplaying = true;

 if isplaying == true:
	a = null

func attack2_state() -> void:
 $Sprite.visible = false
 $Sprite2.visible = true
 isplaying = false = false
 animationPlayer.playback_active = true
 current_animation = "AttackTwo" + str(b))
 animationPlayer.playback_speed = 1.75
 isplaying = true

 if isplaying == true:
	b = null

func attack3_state() -> void:
 $Sprite.visible = false
 $Sprite2.visible = true
 isplaying = false = false
 animationPlayer.playback_active = true
 current_animation = "AttackThree" + str(c))
 animationPlayer.playback_speed = 1.75
 isplaying = true

 if isplaying == true:
	c = null

func attack_animation_finished()->void:
if state == ATTACK || state == ATTACK2 || state == ATTACK3:
	$Sprite.visible = true
	$Sprite2.visible = false
	isplaying = false
	current_animation = "Idle" + str(s))
	isstop = false
	state = MOVE

	if isstop == false:
		s = null

I want to fix this as quick as possible, so ask me if you guys need more information (big thanks for the help)