How can i load a font from the host file system (outside res://)?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By kelaia

This link ( has an example, but I can’t use ‘res://’ in my project.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: aXu_AP

You can use Directory class to access outside folders too. In this example, I use Windows enviromental variable to access Fonts folder (usually “C:\Windows\Fonts”), get all files ending with ttf or otf and load one of the fonts (have a label node named Label):

func _ready():
	# Get list of font files
	var fonts = get_fonts()
	# Get one of the fonts
	var selected_font = fonts[0]
	var dynamic_font =
	dynamic_font.font_data = load(selected_font)
	dynamic_font.size = 64
	$Label.set("custom_fonts/font", dynamic_font)

func get_fonts() -> Array:
	# This works only on Windows
	var fonts_dir = OS.get_environment("windir") + "\\Fonts"
	var dir =
	var fonts = []
	if == OK:
		var file_name = dir.get_next()
		while file_name != "":
			if not dir.current_is_dir() and (file_name.ends_with("ttf") or file_name.ends_with("otf")):
				fonts.append(fonts_dir + "\\" + file_name)
			file_name = dir.get_next()
		print("Font folder not found.")
	return fonts