How do I use my GdScript resource class in a C# Script

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Xx Void xX

I want to make my own costum ressource to handle “RoomData” in my dungeon crowler game,

the problem is that Im using c# and there is this problem with godot currently where a costum ressource made in c# doesn’t appear in the inspector, so I have to make the resource in GdScript and then use Cross Language Scripting to access it in my c# script

my issue is that I don’t know how to make a resource variable in my c# script, this gives me an error obviously:

Private RoomData data;

because there is no such class called “RoomData” in c#, (the class is in GdScript remember)

I know I can do something like this to get a refrence to an object or script:

Private GDScript MyGDScript = (GDScript) GD.Load("res://");

but how do I get a refrence to a Class so I can use it to make variables ?

Short Version:
I have a GdScript called “RoomData” that extends “Resource”
I also have a C# script that should use the RoomData resource as an Export
but I can’t do that becuase this Private RoomData data gives me an error