How can an Object with "move_and_collide" get stopped by an wall

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Realdapi

Im really really new to Godot and im working on a Game where a box pushes the Player ( an Kinematic Object) out of the Screen. But if i try to apply gravity to the box the Engine says "Invalid call. Nonexistent function ‘move_and_colllide’ in base ‘StaticBody2D’
Im really frustrated and hope someone can help me ^^

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: stormreaver

StaticBody2D is not intended to be moved, so it doesn’t have the move_and_collide() method.

Make it a KinematicBody2D (if you want to control the physics yourself); or a RigidBody2D if you want to apply impulses, and have Godot handle the physics.