C# Control functions not working

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By I3randon5

Hello, I’m trying to create a inventory system using C# but seem to be struggling on the drag and drop part. For some reason it doesn’t want to let me get GetGrabData etc. I have made it in GdScript which works perfectly fine but struggling to convert it. I’m also confused on converting the data part, I think it’s a dictionary, but struggling converting that also. If someone can help I would greatly appreciate it as I have been stuck on it for awhile (struggling to find any info online to help with this)

C# Script

//Pick up item when click and hold with mouse in inventory
public override Godot.Object GetDragData(Vector2 pos)
	int itemIndex = GetIndex();
	ItemResource item = inventory.RemoveItem(itemIndex);
	if(item is ItemResource)
		//internal List<ItemResource> data = new List<ItemResource>();
		var data = new Dictionary <Godot.Object, int>();
		//data.item = item;
		data.Add(item, itemIndex);

		 //Show what item your dragging
		TextureRect dragPreview = new TextureRect();
		dragPreview.Texture = item.icon;
		//Center the icon to mouse
		Control c = new Control();
		dragPreview.RectPosition = new Vector2(item.icon.GetSize()) * -0.5f;
		var preview = c;
		//set and show what item you are dragging when centered

		//setting drag data to allow item to return to slot when dropped outside of a non placeable position
		inventory.dragData = data;
		return data;
	return null;

//when mouse is hovering over a area that item can be placed (inventory slot)#
//Can it be placed?
public bool CanDropData(Dictionary<Godot.Object, int> data)
	int itemIndex = GetIndex();
	ItemResource item = inventory.RemoveItem(itemIndex);
	//return data.ContainsKey(inventory.dragData.has);
	return data is Dictionary<Godot.Object, int> && data.ContainsKey(item);

//Drop item when holding with mouse in inventory#
public override void DropData(Vector2 position, Dictionary<Godot.Object, int> data)
	int myItemIndex = GetIndex();
	ItemResource myItem = inventory.items[myItemIndex];
	inventory.dragData = null;
	//if the items name is the same and is stackable stack it
	if(myItem is ItemResource && myItem.stackable == true)//and is equal to same item name?
		myItem.amount += data[myItem];
		inventory.EmitSignal("ItemsChanged", myItemIndex);
	else //if item is not the same swap it
		inventory.SwapItems(myItemIndex, data[myItem].amount);
		inventory.SetItems(myItemIndex, data[myItem]);


   func DisplayItem(item):
 if item: #if item is a item
	#setting item amount to label and converting to a string
	itemQuantityLabel.text = str(item.amount)
	#setting icon
	itemSlotIcon.texture = item.icon
else:  #if item is not an item then it has no icon or text quantity
	itemSlotIcon.texture = null
	itemQuantityLabel.text = ""
   #Pick up item when click and hold with mouse in inventory#
   func get_drag_data(_position):
var itemIndex = get_index()
var item = inventory.RemoveItem(itemIndex)

if item:
	var data = {}
	data.item = item
	data.itemIndex = itemIndex
	#Show what item your dragging
	var dragPreview = TextureRect.new()
	dragPreview.texture = item.icon
	#Center the icon to mouse
	var c = Control.new()
	dragPreview.rect_position = -0.5 * item.icon.get_size()
	#set and show what item you are dragging when centered
	#setting drag data to allow item to return to slot when dropped outside of a non placeable position
	inventory.drag_data = data
	return data
return null
  #when mouse is hovering over a area that item can be placed (inventory slot)#
  func can_drop_data(_position, data):
return data is Dictionary and data.has("item")

 #Drop item when holding with mouse in inventory#
  func drop_data(_position, data):
var myItemIndex = get_index()
var myItem = inventory.items[myItemIndex]
inventory.DragData = null
#if the items name is the same and is stackable stack it
if myItem and myItem.name == data.item.name and myItem.stackable == true:
	myItem.amount += data.item.amount
	inventory.emit_signal("ItemsChanged", [myItemIndex])
else: #if item is not the same swap it
	inventory.SwapItems(myItemIndex, data.itemIndex)
	inventory.SetItems(myItemIndex, data.item)