Play Last Scene

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By VanDeiMin

In editor we have options to “Play”: ‘F5’, “Play Scene”: ‘F6’ or “Play Custom Scene”: ’ shift+control+F5’.

My question is:
Is there any plugin, which enables ability to play last scene played?
It would be very convenient beacuse very often I work with one scene and must play parent scene where my current scene belongs. Presing “Play Custom Scene”: ’ shift+control+F5’ (or clicking the button) and then typing three or four letter shortcut to the scene is little bit cumbersome.
Thanks for any help.
Wojciech Bem

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: estebanmolca

I don’t know if there is a plugin for that, but if you think it’s worth it, you can create it yourself. I just read the documentation and it looks very clear and concise:

You would have to create a panel with a button and you could save in a variable the scene you play.
Looking at the manual is the EditorInterface class that has the get_playing_scene () function among others that can be used.

I clarify that I never create a plugin since I do not need it for now, but it does not look that difficult.