ItemList signals do not work on Android?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Dumi23

I have been making a card game and I use ItemLists as a core component of a deck builder where you can pick and choose cards to add to your deck. The singa _on_ItemList_item_activated() handles the adding of the cards you double click it and it adds to a array that is the deck as shown in this code sample:

func _on_ItemList_item_activated(index) -> void:
var cardIDs = $Panel/ItemList2.get_item_count()
var cardData:Dictionary = $Panel/ItemList.get_item_metadata(index)
var dataID = (cardData["id"])
var transformIcon = ResourceLoader.load(cardData["transformIcon"])
$Panel/ItemList2.add_item("", transformIcon, true)
$Panel/ItemList2.set_item_metadata(cardIDs, cardData)

it works as intended on PC but doesn’t seem to activate on Android, I am pretty sure that the signal is intended to work only on PC but I am at a loss on how to implement an input for it to work on android, any help would be aprreciated.