Why this `Area` `signal` is not detecting my mouse events (input_event)

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By abelgutierrez99

I just added CollsionShape and Area to the voxels (3D tiles) of my games. I create the Area with generate_faces and create a signal to dectec de mouse_detect_area:

func generate_faces():

	var surfaceTool : SurfaceTool
	surfaceTool = SurfaceTool.new()
	for i in range(VOXELDATA.voxelFaces.size()):
		if notNeig[i]:
			for j in range(VOXELDATA.voxelFaces[i].size()):
	mesh = surfaceTool.commit()
	meshInstance.mesh = mesh
	bodyShape = mesh.create_trimesh_shape()
	collisionShapeBody.shape = bodyShape
	areaShape = mesh.create_trimesh_shape()
	collisionShapeArea.shape = areaShape
	area.connect("input_event", self, "_detect_area") # self is the StaticBody that contain the Area

func _detect_area():
	print("Collision detected")

Although CollisionShape and Area are created in the same way, CollisionShape are working, since I tested with a falling RidigBody; but Area is not, nothing appears in the Debugger when I click the voxels. I add an image with the scene and the scene tree: here

I tried to move the ´Area´ outside the chunk using Remote option to chech if there was some problem, but it is still not working.