How to get the Tile Symbol from a TileSet?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By gladion136

Hey i want to add the Tile Symbol to a TextureButton.
Is it possible to get the Symbol from a TileSet?

Here is my current implementation (currently I use the normal map option to store a alternativ symbol, but I want to change this way…)

var new_btn =
var txr = tileset.tile_get_texture(cell)
var atlas_txr =
atlas_txr.atlas = txr

if tileset.tile_get_tile_mode(cell) == tileset.SINGLE_TILE:
	atlas_txr.region = tileset.tile_get_region(cell)
	new_btn.texture_normal = atlas_txr
    # I want to change this line:
	new_btn.texture_normal = tileset.tile_get_normal_map(cell)
new_btn.connect("pressed", self,  "select_tile", [cell])