Google Play Services - leaderboard score retrieve problem

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Suleymanov

I successfully call leaderboard by:

  1. But I can’t get score from leaderboard to a variable. I failed trying both below:
var xp = GooglePlay.play_games_services.retrieveLeaderBoardScore(leaderboardID, "ALL_TIME", "ALL")

xp = int(GooglePlay.play_games_services.retrieveLeaderBoardScore("leaderboardID", "ALL_TIME", "ALL"))
  1. Also I can’t send data to leaderboard. I failed trying both below:
GooglePlay.play_games_services.submitLeaderBoardScore(leaderboardID, #value)

GooglePlay.play_games_services.submitLeaderBoardScore(leaderboardID, int(#value))

What am I doing wrong and what is the correct way in examples?

Thank you for your time!