Error when trying to print a global variable.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By 9BitStrider
C:\Users\nineb\Documents\GitHub\Retro-Game-Wrapper-Sharp\scripts\disclaimer.cs(9,18): The name 'GlobalVars' does not exist in the current context

I get the above error when trying to pull a value from global_vars.cs in my project. I have the script set to autoload in the project settings with the name GlobalVars.

using Godot;
using System;

public class disclaimer : Node

    public override void _Ready()

The above code SHOULD spit out the scale factor value saved in global_vars.cs, but it errors out no matter what I do. I’m very new to using C#. Any help would be appreciated.

For clarification, here’s the script being used in global_vars.cs.

using Godot;
using System;
using Dictionary = Godot.Collections.Dictionary;
using Array = Godot.Collections.Array;

public class globalvars : Node
    //Set the maximum supported resolution and game window resolution respectively.
    public Vector2 appRes = new Vector2(3840, 2160);
    public Vector2 gameRes = new Vector2(256, 240);

    //Set the display type of the scaling to be done.
    //0: Integer Scaling - 10:9
    //1: Integer Scaling - 4:3
    public int scaleType = 0;
    public float scaleFactor;

    //Add additional variables here.

    public override void _Ready()
        //Get the viewport node.
        var viewPort = GetViewport();

        //Connect the signal and run the initial resize script.
        viewPort.Connect("size_changed", this, "resizeApp");

    public void resizeApp()
        //Grab the viewport node.
        var viewPort = GetViewport();

        //Get current desktop size and initialize the scale factor.
        var newRes = OS.GetScreenSize();

        //Scale the screen.

        if(newRes.x < appRes.x)
            scaleFactor = newRes.x / appRes.x;
            newRes = new Vector2(appRes.x * scaleFactor, appRes.y * scaleFactor);
        if(newRes.y < appRes.y)
            scaleFactor = newRes.y / appRes.y;
            newRes = new Vector2(appRes.x * scaleFactor, appRes.y * scaleFactor);

        viewPort.SetSizeOverride(true, newRes);

The above works just fine when the app starts. I do get an error, but the game runs nonetheless:

E 0:00:00.707   start: Script does not inherit a Node: res://scripts/globals/global_vars.cs

9BitStrider | 2021-07-06 14:48

And now my app isn’t loading global_vars at all. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Deleting the script and retyping them now works. Is Mono really this broken?

9BitStrider | 2021-07-06 14:57

First snippet tries to access GlobalVars, but the class shown is named globalvars.

Is GlobalVars a Godot singleton? As of right now, C# can’t use Godot singletons just by name reference alone like you can in GDScript; you have to do something like this:

var GlobalVars = GetNode<GlobalVars>("/root/GlobalVars")

I got a similar error to the “does not inherit a Node” thing when adding a new singleton written in CS; closing back to the project list and re-opening fixed it. Not sure what the deal is there.

EDIT: Also, the class name and the name of the CS file must match, as noted in the C# basics page on the docs, otherwise Godot can’t find the class! So if your class is named GlobalVars, it should be in a file named GlobalVars.cs, not global_vars.cs

Void | 2021-07-10 21:32