Trouble using dragPreviews inside Tabcontainers

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Mudderhino

Hello everyone, I have tried to solve this problem multiple times but just can’t wrap my head around it.
I basically have a Tab container with both an Inventory and Crafting tab. The Inventory tab is what causes the problem here. Every time I pick up an Item, a drag preview gets set as shown in my code:

func get_drag_data(_position):
	var itemIndex = get_index()
	var item = inventory.items[itemIndex]
	var dragPreview
	var data = {}
	if item != null:
		# Notify specific Objects that an Item has been picked up
		# so they stop working
		if Inventories.getFurnaceInventoryByID( != null:
		dragPreview =
		dragPreview.texture = item.texture
		dragPreview.set_scale(Vector2(5, 5))
		print(dragPreview) = =
		data.previousAmount = item.amount
		# Set unhandled data in case the Item doesn't get dropped anywhere
		Inventories.setUnhandledData(inventory, item, item.amount, itemIndex)
		# For half-splitting Item Stacks
		if Input.is_action_pressed("ctrl"):
			if item is Item:
				item.amount /= 2
				data.item = item.duplicate()
				inventory.emit_signal("items_changed",, itemIndex)
				data.itemIndex = itemIndex
				data.split = true
				return data
		# For moving Items
			item = inventory.remove(itemIndex)
			if item is Item:
				data.item = item
				data.itemIndex = itemIndex
				return data

From what I understand, the drag preview should be freed automatically when the data is returned in get_drag_data() and all signals should get disconnected. As soon as I drop the Item, I get this error. [TextureRect:11843] being my drag preview and [TabContainer:1444] being the Tab container:

E 0:00:07.955   _disconnect: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection to signal 'renamed' in [TextureRect:11843], with target '_child_renamed_callback' in [TabContainer:1444].   <C++ Error>   Condition "signal_is_valid" is true.   <C++ Source>  core/object.cpp:1569 @ _disconnect()

My tree looks like this:

On runtime, the Inventory slots get added to InventoryDisplay which look like this:

Please let me know if you need any more information