Is there a way to automatically share the common materials of imported models?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By hane52


I have been using Blender and the glTF file format for my models. One of the problems I have encountered however is that many of my models use common PBR materials and It is meaningless to reinclude them in every model file. To fix this problem, I have been creating the materials in Godot and manually assigning them to the appropriate parts of the mesh. But this method takes too much time. Is there a way to set the models so that when they are imported to Godot they are automatically assigned through the material ID?

Try clicking on your .glb file in the filesystem and go to the import tab, there are definitely some options to reduce the amount of materials Godot generates when importing a model. It might not automate unifying all materials though

codeestuary | 2021-06-15 22:15