How do I create an ingame collage out of imported jpgs and pngs

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By MosayIC

I have a desire to recreate the feel of Jet Set Radio Future, but I’m a newbie without a basic knowledge of where to start on some of these programming challenges.

What I need is for my player to be able to use a custom spray, like in counterstrike. I’m sure using a decal will handle the spray, and I have this answer here for saving them as png:

However I need to import jpegs and pngs, I need to create a requirement of using 2d geometry in engine that screens out most of the image to create a collage - thus explaining that I need 2d geometry that does that trick, I need a player select for vertical- square- and horizontal canvas, and I need to load the image onto a player profile for use as spray, and potentially for use on a radial among different sprays.

Would you tell a newbie where I would start finding these answers?