particles shader code: How to get the node position and the visibility Aabb properties?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By MikeMikeMike


I am new to shader code. My code starts like this:

shader_type particles;

const vec3 node_pos = vec3(0,0,0); // how to get the node world position?
const vec3 aabb_xyz = vec3(-1,-1,-1); // how to get this node property?
const vec3 aabb_whd = vec3(2,2,2); // how to get this node property?

Is there a way to get node parameters in the shader code? I need the node position and the aabb parameter.



:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: MikeMikeMike


I have found the solution with the script function

set_shader_param(param: String, value: Variant)

I’ve added this script to my Particles node:

extends Particles

func _process( delta : float ):
	self.process_material.set_shader_param( "node_position", self.translation )
	self.process_material.set_shader_param( "visi_aabb_position", self.visibility_aabb.position )
	self.process_material.set_shader_param( "visi_aabb_size", self.visibility_aabb.size )

and changed the shader code to:

shader_type particles;

uniform vec3 node_position;
uniform vec3 visi_aabb_position;
uniform vec3 visi_aabb_size;

