AnimationPlayer Plays Too Fast

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By oddbrisk

Hi, I’m a beginner with Godot.

I’ve just finished following UmaiPixel’s Platformer Tutorial. I wanted to add a second attack, which is a stationary melee slash as opposed to a fireball projectile as shown in the tutorial.

In order to shorten the work time, I’ve duplicated the Fireball scene from said tutorial and adjusted it accordingly; same goes for the fireball attack code within the Player.

The desired effect is when I press the ‘slash’ attack button, utilizing the AnimationPlayer node, the slash animation will play, then once its finished, the attack as a whole will be ‘queue-freed.’

The issue I’ve come across is that although the attack is ‘queue-freed’ once the animation is finished, the animation itself plays way too fast in-game, almost like within a split-second.

Originally I thought that the duration of ‘0.4’ was the issue, so then I went and modified it to 1 second, and yet it still results in playing the animation way too fast in-game.

Here’s the code:

extends Area2D

var velocity = Vector2()
var direction = 1

func set_slash_direction(dir):
direction = dir
if dir == -1:
$Sprite.flip_h = true

func _physics_process(delta):
velocity.x = delta * direction

func _on_Slash_body_entered(body):
if “Enemy” in

func _on_AnimationPlayer_animation_finished(anim_name):

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: magicalogic

AnimationPlayer has a play_back_speed which you can use to slow down the animation.
1 is original speed, .5 half and so on.