KeyPress Popup issue not working

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By consolingstars

I am trying to use a Popup node to capture a keypress event, as a means of creating a configuration screen for keybindings (that would later update InputMap).

Sorry for the rookie question but I am still a beginner and learning from these online courses but nothing seem to work and there is no one to ask the queries.

My button code is:

func _on_CharacterForward_button_down():
# Open Keybinding Popup
“Press the button you want to bind to Forward or press Esc to cancel.”

and the popup code is:

func _on_ButtonBindPrompt_input_event( ev ):
if ev.type == InputEvent.KEY:
var evt = ev #added for tracking a breakpoint event that never occurs.

Could you please help me fix this issue.