Recent export changes in 3.3 disable me from exporting to Android properly

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By kedalovo

Hello! I cannot export my game to Android anymore. Export was working fine in 3.2.3, but doesn’t work in 3.3. I have read the changelog, and it appears that the only change was that now jarsigner is replaced with apksigner, also SDK path is now obligatory. No problem, I left SDK path in the editor settings where it’s supposed to be. During export nothing special happens - no warnings, no mistakes, everything is silky smooth (I don’t remember if there is supposed to be an ending message after export, but I don’t see one). But when I try to install the game on my phone, it says: “The package appears to be corrupt”. I have tried updating SDK after that, but it didn’t help. Is there some additional step I forgot to take?

Edit: Just tried it on 3.3.1 RC2 and it didn’t work as well.

Instead of relying on the old APK-based workflow, you could try migrating to the new workflow based on custom builds:

Calinou | 2021-05-15 18:02