Save and Load through user text input not working

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Yasi

I want users to be able to save and load their data (json) by entering the data inside the game.

Here’s what I have so far:

var dictionary = {}
var loaddictionary

func _on_CopySaveCode_pressed():
	for i in range(1, 83):
		dictionary[str(i)] = {
			"L1": DataImport.player_data_save[str(i)].L1,
			"CLVL": DataImport.player_data_save[str(i)].CLVL,
func _on_PasteLoadCode_text_entered(new_text):
	loaddictionary = new_text
	var d =
	if not d.dir_exists("user://test"):
	var file ="user://test/PlayerData.json", File.WRITE)

The first problem is that when it’s copied to clipboard, it doesn’t copy each dictionary[str(i)] as a key. For example, it just adds it as 1 instead of “1”

The second problem is that the file is written as a string instead of a dictionary. So the whole dictionary is wrapped around “” when it should be {}

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Mougenot

To get the double quotes to show up when pasted from the clipboard, you can encase them with single quotes and use string formatting to put your key inside like so: '"%s"' % str(i)

func _on_CopySaveCode_pressed():
    for i in range(1, 83):
        dictionary['"%s"' % str(i)] = {

If want the values to also show up with quotes, you can do the same here

            "L1": '"%s"' % str(DataImport.player_data_save[str(i)].L1),
            "CLVL": '"%s"' % str(DataImport.player_data_save[str(i)].CLVL),

To save the file as json use file.store_line() instead of file.store_string()

func _on_PasteLoadCode_text_entered(new_text):
    loaddictionary = new_text
    var d =
    if not d.dir_exists("user://test"):
    var file ="user://test/PlayerData.json", File.WRITE)

Thanks for the help. The first part works and everything looks as intended when I paste in notepad. However, the file output is still not right. It’s outputting the following:

"{\"1\":{\"CLVL\":1, \"L1\":1}..."

It still has the quotation marks at the beginning and at the end. And now it has the \ for some reason. I’m using LineEdit for the input.

Yasi | 2021-04-26 16:11