I want to create terrain using GridMap

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By mustafamax

I want to create terrain using Grid Map
I used this code to generate terrain
But I didn’t get the thing expected
Are there other solutions?
thank you

Example code

extends GridMap

func _ready():
    var noise = OpenSimplexNoise.new()

    noise.seed = rand_range(5, 10)
    noise.octaves = 4
    noise.period = 20.0
    noise.persistence = 0.8

    var width = 50
    var height = 50

    for x in width:
	    for y in height:
		  for z in width:
			set_cell_item(x, y, z, 0)
			var yR = floor(noise.get_noise_3d(x, y, z))
			if y > 2:
				set_cell_item(x, y, z, yR)

An illustration of what the code produces above
enter image description here

After modifying the code, I got this result

extends GridMap

func _ready():
var width = 100
var height = 50

var noise = OpenSimplexNoise.new()

noise.seed = rand_range(1, height)
noise.octaves = 0
noise.period = 30
noise.persistence = 10

for x in width:
	for y in height:
		for z in width:
			var yR = noise.get_noise_3d(x, y, z)
			set_cell_item(x, floor(yR*10), z, 0)

The result is rather acceptable
But welcome to amend

enter image description here

mustafamax | 2021-04-13 09:35