curve 2D how to control handles in play mode?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Suleymanov

Currently I can successfully draw circles and lines to make the Path curve visible in play mode. I can also move around the control points of the curve in play mode. But I can’t access the handles of the control points to fine tune them. My question is, how can I access the handles of the control points so that I can both control them and make them visible?

Currently my code is as below:

var idx = 0
var path = get_node("Path2D")

func _input(event):	
    if event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.pressed:

        for p in path.curve.get_point_count():
            if path.curve.get_point_position(p).distance_to(event.position) < 40:
                idx = p 
    if event is InputEventScreenDrag:

        for p in path.curve.get_point_count():
            if path.curve.get_point_position(p).distance_to(event.position) < 40:
                path.curve.set_point_position(idx, path.curve.get_point_position(idx) + event.relative)

func _draw():
    draw_polyline(path.curve.get_baked_points(), c, 2, true)
    for p in path.curve.get_point_count():
        draw_circle(path.curve.get_point_position(p), 8, c)

The above code works well. I would appreciate any idea how I can add handles to the equation. Handles also have following options: “Mirror Handle Angles”, “Mirror Handle Lengths”. Would be useful to be able to control them in the script too.

Thank you for your time!