This page is our wishlist:
it details the improvements that we consider most important to make the Godot Engine a better tool for its users.
The items were created by talking to the volunteer maintainers for each area about the current state of things,
their personal goals, and what kind of contributions they are looking for.
As with any wishlist, these points are an idealized version of what is to come in the project’s future.
To realize them, we will need the support from you, whether you are a representative for a company looking to sponsor Godot
or a game developer capable to contribute to the codebase directly. The Godot Engine has always been a community effort — there is only so much ground we can cover with Godot Foundation contractors at the moment.
We hope that by publishing this list, we can align our communal efforts: by showcasing which areas need to see
improvements the most and what the next steps would be for anyone taking action. Let this list be an indicator of…
- what kind of contractors we would like to hire if donations increase,
- what areas are ripe with good first issues for new contributors, and
- where corporate sponsors could lend a helping hand