
Godot Foundation Godot Foundation  - 11 July 2023

Godot Funding Breakdown & Hiring Process

This article aims to shed light on the current status of Godot's funding, hiring, and our plans for sustainable funding long term.

Godot contributors Godot contributors  -  6 July 2023

Godot 4.1 is here, smoother, more reliable, and with plenty of new features

Four months after the release of Godot 4.0, we are excited to bring you Godot 4.1 — an update with a focus on stability, performance, and polish.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  -  4 July 2023

Release candidate: Godot 4.1 RC 3

A few more critical regressions were fixed, and the milestone is now 100% complete. Let's confirm that 4.1 is ready with a (final?) RC.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 30 June 2023

Release candidate: Godot 4.1 RC 2

A few more regressions were fixed, and we should now be ready for the Godot 4.1 release. Help us confirm that by testing RC 2!

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  - 27 June 2023

Release candidate: Godot 4.1 RC 1

After 4 months of development, Godot 4.1 is only days away. To make sure it doesn't miss the mark, here's the first release candidate for your testing!

Clay John Clay John  - 23 June 2023

Godot community poll 2023

It's this time of the year! Godot Community Poll 2023 is now out!

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  - 21 June 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 beta 3

We are getting confident in the state of Godot 4.1! To wrap things up here's the last beta release, bringing more fixes to reported issues.

George Marques George Marques  - 15 June 2023

Godot at BIG Festival 2023

Godot will have a booth and a talk at BIG Festival 2023, which takes place in São Paulo, Brazil from June 28th to July 2nd

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 14 June 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 beta 2

Continuing on our planned schedule for Godot 4.1, we're advancing through the beta phase and getting ready for a stable release in early July.

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  -  8 June 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 beta 1

Switching gears into the bug-fixing mode, here's the first beta of Godot 4.1, and a great opportunity to try the new version of the engine ahead of the official release.

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  -  1 June 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 dev 4

This snapshot signifies that Godot 4.1 is now in feature freeze and will only receive bug fixes going forward. Enjoy this final package of new features and enhancements and give them a good shake!

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  - 25 May 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 dev 3

The end of May means the approach of the feature freeze for Godot 4.1, and this dev snapshot aims to give you as many new features to test as possible.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 25 May 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 3.6 beta 2

Another beta build for Godot 3.6, implementing important bug fixes and some new features for existing games in production.

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  - 19 May 2023

Maintenance release: Godot 4.0.3

A fresh portion of stability improvements and bugfixes for Godot 4.0 projects, 4.0.3 covers almost every area of the engine. It also comes with a massive bump in documentation coverage thanks to the newly updated rendering docs!

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 12 May 2023

Release candidate: Godot 4.0.3 RC 2

Another round of cherry-picks for the upcoming Godot 4.0.3, fixing a few regressions reported against RC 1 and backporting more important fixes.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 10 May 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 dev 2

We're well into the development phase for Godot 4.1, with a little less than a month left before we move to beta. So here's a second dev snapshot to test recent changes!

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  - 27 April 2023

Release candidate: Godot 4.0.3 RC 1

More improvements come to the stable version of Godot 4 with the 4.0.3 patch release. Here's the first release candidate to test the changes before they go live.

Emi Emi  - 26 April 2023

Godot Showcase - Cassette Beasts

We interviewed Jay and Tom from Bytten Studio about Cassette Beasts.

Yuri Sizov Yuri Sizov  - 21 April 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 dev 1

Here be dragons! First development snapshot for the upcoming Godot Engine 4.1 is available to early adopters and adventurous types.

Clay John Clay John  - 20 April 2023

Release Management Post Godot 4.0

We outline our plan for future Godot releases and Godot 4.1 specifically, which you can expect at the end of June, after three months of feature merging and one month of bug fixing.

Clay John Clay John  - 18 April 2023

Godot 4.1 Rendering Priorities

For 4.1 the rendering team will be focusing on performance, stability, and usability.

Pedro J. Estébanez Pedro J. Estébanez  - 14 April 2023

Direct3D 12: Adventures in Shaderland

Godot is about to get a Direct3D 12 rendering driver. This is a discussion on the exotic approaches taken to face some of the challenges posed in the area of shaders.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 13 April 2023

Dev snapshot: Godot 3.6 beta 1

It's time to start testing the next feature release of Godot 3, packed with over 500 fixes and enhancements which don't require any compatibility breaking changes!

Clay John Clay John  -  6 April 2023

GDC 2023: Retrospective

We attended the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco this year.