In case you missed the recent news, we decided to change our versioning for Godot 3.x and rename the upcoming version 3.2.4 to Godot 3.3, thereby starting a new stable branch. Check the dedicated blog post for details.

Here’s another Release Candidate for Godot 3.3! Keeping this post short as there wasn’t much change, just a handful of fixes - refer to the 3.3 RC 7 post for details on new features.

We’re pretty confident about this candidate (Famous Last Words™) so if no new regression is found, the next build should hopefully be the stable release! If you haven’t tried 3.3 RC builds yet, now would be a great time to do it to help us ensure everything upgrades smoothly from 3.2.3 to 3.3.

As usual, you can try it live with the online version of the Godot editor updated for this release.


Compared to the previous RC 7 build, this release fixes a few regressions in GDNative, rendering, GodotPhysics (BVH), and Android JNI threads. It also fixes the GLES2 fallback option for HTML5 exports.

See the full changelog since 3.2.3-stable (chronological, or for each contributor), or the changes since the previous RC 7 build.

This release is built from commit b076150b086a5001b190a9a20a425d1bc842fe21.


The download links for dev snapshots are not featured on the Download page to avoid confusion for new users. Instead, browse our download repository and fetch the editor binary that matches your platform:

  • Standard build (GDScript, GDNative, VisualScript).
  • Mono build (C# support + all the above). You need to have MSBuild installed to use the Mono build. Relevant parts of Mono are included in this build. (Note: Builds prior to 3.3 RC 7 used Mono

Bug reports

As a tester, you are encouraged to open bug reports if you experience issues with 3.3 RC 8. Please check first the existing issues on GitHub, using the search function with relevant keywords, to ensure that the bug you experience is not known already.

In particular, any change that would cause a regression in your projects is very important to report (e.g. if something that worked fine in 3.2.3 or earlier no longer works in 3.3 RC 8).


Godot is a non-profit, open source game engine developed by hundreds of contributors on their free time, and a handful of part or full-time developers, hired thanks to donations from the Godot community. A big thankyou to everyone who has contributed their time or financial support to the project!

If you’d like to support the project financially and help us secure our future hires, you can do so on Patreon or PayPal.