Hear, hear! Dwellers of the Old Continent or the far lands beyond the great seas, heed our call! Lackeys and subjects of the great Godot will be there to meet you in the royal city of Brussels, Belgium from Feb IV to Feb VII, MMXVII AD.
In other words, you will have the opportunity to meet Godot contributors and users at two upcoming events in Brussels, Belgium:

The former is the major European event focusing on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Godot will have a stand there where we will be distributing and selling some goodies (T-Shirts, mugs, stickers) and most importantly presenting our favourite engine to the FOSDEM visitors. More than 8,000 visitors are awaited, this should give Godot a better visibility in the international open source community.
Julian Murgia (a.k.a StraToN) will also be giving a 25 min talk about Escoria, the point’n’click adventure game framework using Godot that we published a few months ago.
The FOSDEM is a great opportunity to discover new projects (see the stands) and attend great talks (see the schedule) from top-notch free software contributors. It will also be the occasion to meet other Godot users and contributors, at our stand or around a few Belgian beers :) There are already 22 members of our community from all over Europe who told us that they will attend the event!
Practical infos (location, schedule, etc.): See FOSDEM.org and our Events page.
GodotCon Europe 2017

Two days in a crowded event is not enough! To get more time together to actually discuss our projects, learn new things and work together on the engine, we are organizing a 2-day event specifically about Godot right after the FOSDEM (on Monday 6 and Tuesday 7).
We currently have 21 registered attendants too (more or less the same as for the FOSDEM, though with a few differences) and expect maybe a few additional late deciders, so this should be quite an interesting meetup!
The schedule and acitivites are for now DIY, we will post more details as soon as we have a more precise plan - but the idea is that it will be tailor-made by and for the attendants, so that we can all get the most from those two days.
The event will take place at the Hackerspace Brussels, thanks a lot to the Hackerspace’s volunteers for having us over!
Practical infos: See our Events page.
Looking forward to meeting some of you in Brussels!