Hello fellow Godotters!
Our next online GodotCon is just around the corner!
We can’t wait to see you all this Saturday, 3rd of July 2021!
We cannot express how grateful we are for all the people that took the time to submit a proposal for this conference. We were once again overjoyed to see the awesome stuff that you make!
While we all can’t wait to meet in person, we realised how important it is to make GodotCon more accessible for everyone.
As the pandemic restrictions will ease, we will restore in-person conferences, but we also plan to keep doing these online events!
Where to watch?
As usual, GodotCon is free of charge and you are all welcome to watch the stream that will go live on GodotEngines’s YouTube channel at 14:00 UTC.
YouTube Premiere link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrOI5HUAPCg
If you are unfortunately unavailable to attend the live stream, don’t worry: videos for each talk will be uploaded later on the channel so you’ll be able to watch them anytime you wish.
Check out the talks list and their respective schedules on this Google spreadsheet. Note that times are given in the UTC timezone by default, you can make a copy of the document to change it to your own timezone.
Alternatively, you can download this PDF with the schedule for the UTC timezone.
You might have noticed that this conference’s schedule is much shorter than the previous: unfortunately a number of speakers were unable to participate.
We hope to see many of you on Saturday! Until then, stay safe!
You can participate!
Watching the conferences is great, but many of you may also want to discuss the contents together and perhaps ask questions to the speakers. As the talks are pre-recorded, you will not be able to ask your questions live after the talks, especially since some speakers may be out of the timezone at the time of their talk.
You can join the rocket chat platform to discuss with other participant live during the talk, and ask questions directly to the speakers that will be online for the Questions&Answers after each talk.
We also want to immensely thank Prehensile Tales for providing us with this Rocket.chat service!
For those of you who are already part of rocket chat, you will need to manually join the GodotCon channels. You can find them by clicking on the small world icon at the top left of the page and searching for “GC”, you should find all the 15 channels

Here’s the complete list of channels, you can just click on them and then press the join button if you have an account:
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-01-welcome
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-02-building-a-community-with-godot-engine
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-03-cloud-backend-with-firebase
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-04-vfx-in-godot-a-crash-course
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-05-animation-trees-with-clojure
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-06-racing-game-with-godot
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-07-learning-to-code-with-godot-game-engine
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-08-making-of-blastronaut
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-09-octahedrone-synching-dimensions
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-10-rhythmmmo
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-11-outrun-chase
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-12-making-an-open-source-game-studio
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-13-godot4s-decal-node-explained
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-14-using-godot-resources-to-build-card-effects
- https://chat.godotengine.org/channel/gc-15-trophix-a-realtime-ecosystem-middleware-for-godot
Don’t forget the showreel!
There are a few days left to submit your game to the showreel! We love to see what you make!