Edit of asset "Godot 3.0 GPU 2D and 3D Simplex Noise" Accepted

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Title Godot 3.0 GPU 2D and 3D Simplex Noise
Description This is an example on how to use Simplex Noise, that is generated on GPU (and that is why it is extremely fast).

There are three scenes:

First one is 2d example which just shows Sprite with noise texture, generated by 2d noise shader.

Second on is 3d example that uses another shader, that has a 3d noise implementation and uses vertex shader to deform simple plane mesh.

Third (and main) example shows how to read values from the sprite node (which uses 2d noise shader) and use this data to modify y positions of objects on the scene.
Category Demos
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-Simplex
Issues Url https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-Simplex/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0 Godot 3.0
Version String 1.0
Download Commit 6b96a522926cd71d65c79fcfda851da0333731a5
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-Simplex/archive/6b96a522926cd71d65c79fcfda851da0333731a5.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/curly-brace/Godot-Simplex/master/icon.png