Edit of asset "Noise Shaders" Accepted

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Title Noise Shaders Noise Shaders
Description Can be used as generic noise generator using this technique:

Consists of:

worley 2d
worley with 2x2 window instead of 3x3
worley 3d
worley 3d with 2x2x2 window instead of 3x3x3
perlin 2d
perlin 3d
perlin 4d
simplex 2d
simplex 3d
simplex 3d with analytic derivative gradient output
simplex 4d
and last is 'psrdnoise' monster with 4:
2-D non-tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients, without the analytical derivative
2-D non-tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients and analytical derivative
2-D tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients, without the analytical derivative
2-D tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients and analytical derivative
Analytical derivatives return vec3 with first element is a vector of the noise value. And 2nd and 3rd are x and y partial derivatives.

You can test any of the shaders by creating a Sprite node, creating new ImageTexture for it (size like 256x256 would be fine), creating new shader material for it and loading desired shader to it. (try simplex3d.tres ^_^)
Can be used as generic noise generator using this technique:

Consists of:

worley 2d
worley with 2x2 window instead of 3x3
worley 3d
worley 3d with 2x2x2 window instead of 3x3x3
perlin 2d
perlin 3d
perlin 4d
simplex 2d
simplex 3d
simplex 3d with analytic derivative gradient output
simplex 4d
and last is 'psrdnoise' monster with 4:
2-D non-tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients, without the analytical derivative
2-D non-tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients and analytical derivative
2-D tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients, without the analytical derivative
2-D tiling simplex noise with rotating gradients and analytical derivative
Analytical derivatives return vec3 with first element is a vector of the noise value. And 2nd and 3rd are x and y partial derivatives.

You can test any of the shaders by creating a Sprite node, creating new ImageTexture for it (size like 256x256 would be fine), creating new shader material for it and loading desired shader to it. (try simplex3d.tres ^_^)
Category Shaders Shaders
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-3.0-Noise-Shaders https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-3.0-Noise-Shaders
Issues Url https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-3.0-Noise-Shaders/issues https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-3.0-Noise-Shaders/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0 Godot 2.1
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit ff27a268fed3f4b671436eabaf83ed58757c96df ff27a268fed3f4b671436eabaf83ed58757c96df
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-3.0-Noise-Shaders/archive/ff27a268fed3f4b671436eabaf83ed58757c96df.zip https://github.com/curly-brace/Godot-3.0-Noise-Shaders/archive/ff27a268fed3f4b671436eabaf83ed58757c96df.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/curly-brace/Godot-Simplex/master/icon.png